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God's Government is for You

Seven Mountains Mandate

I am so excited for the opportunity that God has given his church. We have the unique mission to reform the seven mountains of influence.

1) Religion/Worship

2) Education

3) Family

4) Government

5) Economy/Business

6) Media/Communications

7) Celebration/Arts & Entertainment

The Lord was speaking to me about love displayed through these seven areas of society. They do reflect His Heart, and the culture of Heaven.

While my primary mountain is religion, I am motivating others to excel in their callings, on the other six mountains.

If you see me posting about homesteading, owning chickens, science and technology, and the true history of America, know that it’s all connected. 😁😁😁

I love seeing people flourish on their mountains which includes exposing the darkness in government, Big Pharma, and the food industry.

Discover Your Kingdom Role

I regularly share posts from my Kingdom business friends, who create products that glorify God.

If you’re confused about your calling or purpose, just know that God has assignments for everyone. We are in a time of revival and reformation, moving towards an age of prosperity.

All seven mountains will be reclaimed for the Kingdom, and the glory of God will fill the earth, as the waters cover the seas.

Abundant finances, healthy food, and much more to look forward to.

Believe in His promises, and stand on His Word. He has spoken through His prophets about America, and there will be restoration and recompense.

Remember most of all, that He cares for you, and loves you.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

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