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I Stand With the Children of Israel and America

Trafficking Within Our Borders

So much exposure happening in the mountain of government. What God exposes, it’s for everyone’s benefit. So they can be awakened to the truth. Your prayers and decrees are powerful.

1) Joe Biden never supported Israel. It was a false pretense. This week, he released billions of dollars to Iran. The country that funds Hamas.

He also threatened sanctions on Israel today, if Israel attacks Gaza. He referred to Israeli soldiers as “extremists” if they proceed. Joe Biden defended Palestine in his speech, so now you know, which side he is on.

2) Hunter Biden was subpoenaed which fulfilled multiple words that the Lord gave several prophets. “The Hunters will become the Hunted.” This phrase also made the front page.

Check out Amanda Grace, Charlie Shamp, or Julie Green for their fulfilled prophecies.

3) Modern day slavery is happening at the southern border. The children are being trafficked and put to work, against their will, working overnight and long hours without pay.

For more information, check out the congressional oversight meeting by Senator Josh Hawley. He interviewed a Biden DHS officer, Miss Marcos, who admitted trafficking was happening. Yes, it’s the biggest trafficking ring, and they refused to stop. Miss Marcos claimed that the safety of the children was her number one priority. Yet 85,000 children are “unaccounted for.” Many more are missing, and they do not run background checks on who take the children. 👀

Exposure is here, and much more will be revealed. Justice is coming, and the word of the Lord will accomplish His purpose to save America. Thank you everyone, who is actively praying and bringing down strongholds. While many people are still asleep, every day is an opportunity for them to awaken to the truth.

There will be a day when there is a SHOCK. Can the Lord save a nation in a day?

“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children.”

Isaiah 66:8

Prophet Aaron Deonarine.

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