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Invitation Into God's Family

Fourth of July

As we enter the weekend, and we keep celebrating, ministry is on my heart. I feel compelled to post a poll here.

What could the church be doing differently?

There are things the Lord has been speaking to me, about the church, and his plans for the Body. I keep an attentive ear, and I do listen to how the Body is functioning.

A Table Is Set Before You

We are the church. It’s not a building, and God is changing people’s perception. We are leaving the mindset of “the four walls of the church.” Instead, it’s more like a dinner table, a wedding banquet, where everyone is invited. The Gospel is inviting people into His family, and to dine with him. (Parable of the Wedding Banquet, Matthew 22)

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to have a facility, but it’s for the purpose of the Gospel. ✝️✝️

Poll Questions

1) Going to events with Christians, to get filled with anointing, is one of my favorite things. Once we get filled, we can be sent out. However, in the past, Christians were used to event hopping. Kinda skipping over the part of being sent out. I was guilty of that, too.

What are some ways, we can spread the Gospel in your city, workplace, or school?

2) What is something that you’ve shared with a pastor or ministry leader, but didn’t feel heard? Or has there been a time, you’ve wanted to share something personal, but didn’t feel they would have helped? It’s important that every voice is heard, and that you receive the teaching resource or help required.

3) I want to stand in agreement, for your family member’s salvation. If you have anyone you are praying for, do not give up. I was going to post two questions, but the Lord specifically told me this, for question three. No one is too far gone, that God can’t redeem.

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